Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's day

Everything went back to normal this year.....

By that I mean Father's day was back to normal. This was the first time in 3 years that my dad was actually here for Father's day. As you would expect I think this one was a little more special and I did not take it for granted. I feel often we take our father's or gaurdians for granted or at least I do. But this year I made a point to tell me dad how much he means to me and I thank God that it wasn't too late.

We spent it very similar to how we always did before he was gone for the 3 previous years. My family went to church and then had breakfast at big boy where I always eat way to many waffles from the bar. After that my dad opened his gifts and read the cards. Then as usual my Dad, brother and I went out to el-dorado and played 18 holes of golf and then my dad grilled some burgers and hot dogs.

It was so great... For the past 3 years my dad was gone because of his job. He makes me so proud to be his son everyday. The 1st year he was helping hurricane katrina victims find some place to sleep at night. And the last two he was overseas in Iraq. My dad all his life has put others before himself, the typical christian. When others would think of themselves and never want to go overseas to endanger themselves he willingly heads over. He wanted to go, and that fact has always amazed me. He thought/thinks it is better for him to go then some young man my age or some guy/girl that just started a family. Which when i think about it he is so right. He has 4 kids that are all raised where some soldiers have babies on the way. Yes, he has missed several huge things of mine included my birth, and graduation from high school but he does this so I can live a better life then he did. He has shown me how to live out my faith with a quiet inner strength that just beams out of him. He is the perfect role model for me.

So as this Father's day draws to a close and I think about how the day went, I thank God for granting me a perfect dad for me. Always supporting me when he can't be there. Always showing me how and telling me to do my best. Showing me how to live out my faith and what faith truly means. And most importantly just loving me as well as he knows how.

I hope all of you had a great father's day with your dad. I pray we never take it for them for granted and don't just remember the things they do for us today, but yet remember everyday. Everyday is Father's day (and Mother's day)

God Bless!!!!!

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