Sunday, April 13, 2008


So the last two days have actually been good days......


Friday is the day that i wake up the earliest all week because of my 8 am physics lab which i am never excited to go to because the girl that i usually work with well 1 of them (i work with 2 because for some reason the guy i am suppose to be with is never there) she is kinda scary. She is really nice before and after the lab when we walk out and discuss what our plans are for the weekend but during the lab she means business. I am more of the guy that is down to business but likes to enjoy himself and kind of talk throughout it. Well on this certain lab, another girls( i think her name was kate??) partner was gone so i got told to work with her. I learned more about kate then i did the other two girls that i work with in like 5 minutes. she like told me her life right there and it was awesome. I know she plays soccer at msu and shes from the suburbs of chicago near naperville and she is an outside mid and she got that spot because she loved running and her sister also played outside mid. Her high school is really small and she didnt really play high school soccer just club. Kate is also in my anatomy class so that probably helped since we see each other 3 days a week. But it was just so awesome that she actually talked!! usually i will ask the girl i work with how her week was and it falls upon deaf ears, not kate. We talked about the anatomy exam and that class and how she had a scrimmage this coming weekend , and what young life was and she thought that was cool. Basically i made a knew friend and i am hoping her partner isn't there again so i can work with someone who talks back....

After that i just kinda hung out til leadership and gorged myself with tacos which was a bad idea, then played basketball which was probably the down part of the day given i couldn't throw the ball in the ocean when the previous day i couldn't miss even if i wanted to.

But then i got to talk to my really good friend andre'a from minnesota on the way out to williamston to hang out with kate (katie sweeney). That was probably the highlight of the day....through various reasons we kind of broke a part this year and with a could 4 hour chat a couple weeks ago things are a little different..i am grateful to her that she truly cares so much about me to really stay put in my life and make sure i know she is always there. We just hung out and watched a couple movies and laughed a lot talking about oatmeal baths, and crunchy peanut butter and rasberries and blueberries. it was something that was so comfortable and so great and something i have missed for a really long time. so thanks kate!

Today, i just relaxed i went to lunch with my fam at pizza house. Talked military and sports with my dad, made a workout plan for my bro and punched my sister in the leg as usual. After i went shopping with my mom and sis and i got a couple bible magazines, 2 nooma videos and a couple shirts. all in all i made out pretty sweet id say. While we were in the christian store, tony called me because my battery died in my car which he took so we jumped it and made our way home. It was awesome hangin out with tony for a majority of the afternoon-evening, he is just a really great time and it was nothing but laughs and good music and great sale buying at meijer. (10 pot pies for 5 dollars how sweet) i then lifted and then hung out some more.

So here is to hoping for a good sunday!!!

Happy Birthday Grace Elizabeth Parker!!!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The weekend

So, like everyone else in the area I tried to spend as much time outside as I could this weekend. With it being in the 60's who couldn't. People are out everywhere having a good time throwing frisbees around and running and various other activities. And that's the part i will probably never understand. The whole cedar fest and then the just drinking during the day because its nice out. All down my street there was bag game after bag game and beer pong table after beer pong table and this started early real early like it was st patricks day. I just don't understand why the only way some people can have fun is alcohol. if its not there they can't have a good time.
Then the whole cedar fest thing is honestly embarrassing. I wasn't even there and i was embarrassed for east lansing and for michigan state university. I could easily hear the festivities from my house a couple blocks away while i took my studies first with two exams coming up. And i wake in the morning to see it plastered all over the national news. Just so sad, honestly. People chanting to be tear gassed, girls exposing themselves, people throwing bottles at innocent people doing nothing but hanging out in the same spot as them. Then to read on some comments about how oo it wouldnt have happened if the police werent there. They stood there until they were abused and did the right thing. as it escilated so did their handle how the situation. I commend the police for what they did and how they reacted. And as for the students and the other people that were there, you are dispicable honestly. now i know some people went just to say they were there and left but the people that participated just to be in a riot and to be tear gassed just humilate themselves. That is nothing to be proud of, not something you want to tell your kids when your older, or your grandkids. I would much rather tell my kids about how i helped teens in high school find and learn about Christ with the words of God coming out of my mouth, than to say i got teargassed because i was an ignorant college student. but there is my rant about that

through out my runs this weekend and being outside in the gorgeous weather i attended a funeral. This funeral was for my friends madison's dad roger. I knew roger a little bit but not that much because madison and i were more friends in middle school than in high school. But what i saw madison do at this funeral was nothing short of amazing. Him and his sister wanted to play this cd for their dad but it wasn't working, so Madison did something incredible. He had something written down but i dont think he had any intention of going up to the podium and talking, but he did and with so much courage. He stood up there perfectly straight, he had a blank i cant believe this has happened look on his face and looked everyone right in the eye. He talked soft as i would imagine that is all he could muster up from the overwhelming situation and talked about his dad and how he was always a fighter. (roger was always sick with something cancer twice and various other things) Madison fought back tears while everyone else in the room sobbed with what was coming out of his mouth, such truth, such courage, so real. He finished by saying his dads last words to him came in a text in which roger said, "son i am so proud of you and i love you." when madison said this the room sank and was full of sniffling noses. and then as if that was hard enough for him to say he follows it up with," you know if i had one more thing to say to my dad i think i would say the exact same thing." as he said this he stumbled and so did everyone else. He had so many tears flowing from my eyes, something that didnt even happen at my gma funeral as sad as that is for me to say. I was just thinking as i left i dont think i could do that, i dont think i could have the courage to do that, i dont think i would get through it. It was one of the most courageous things i have seen in my 20 year life and i thank madison for allowing me to be apart of it.

As for everyone who has lost someone recently i leave you with the words that were on the program that i think are so meaningful.

I am not far away, I will always surround you