Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's day

Everything went back to normal this year.....

By that I mean Father's day was back to normal. This was the first time in 3 years that my dad was actually here for Father's day. As you would expect I think this one was a little more special and I did not take it for granted. I feel often we take our father's or gaurdians for granted or at least I do. But this year I made a point to tell me dad how much he means to me and I thank God that it wasn't too late.

We spent it very similar to how we always did before he was gone for the 3 previous years. My family went to church and then had breakfast at big boy where I always eat way to many waffles from the bar. After that my dad opened his gifts and read the cards. Then as usual my Dad, brother and I went out to el-dorado and played 18 holes of golf and then my dad grilled some burgers and hot dogs.

It was so great... For the past 3 years my dad was gone because of his job. He makes me so proud to be his son everyday. The 1st year he was helping hurricane katrina victims find some place to sleep at night. And the last two he was overseas in Iraq. My dad all his life has put others before himself, the typical christian. When others would think of themselves and never want to go overseas to endanger themselves he willingly heads over. He wanted to go, and that fact has always amazed me. He thought/thinks it is better for him to go then some young man my age or some guy/girl that just started a family. Which when i think about it he is so right. He has 4 kids that are all raised where some soldiers have babies on the way. Yes, he has missed several huge things of mine included my birth, and graduation from high school but he does this so I can live a better life then he did. He has shown me how to live out my faith with a quiet inner strength that just beams out of him. He is the perfect role model for me.

So as this Father's day draws to a close and I think about how the day went, I thank God for granting me a perfect dad for me. Always supporting me when he can't be there. Always showing me how and telling me to do my best. Showing me how to live out my faith and what faith truly means. And most importantly just loving me as well as he knows how.

I hope all of you had a great father's day with your dad. I pray we never take it for them for granted and don't just remember the things they do for us today, but yet remember everyday. Everyday is Father's day (and Mother's day)

God Bless!!!!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Oh to be young

I have this growth and motor development class and I absolutely love it. Part of me loving it might be because i am doing so well in it. But i feel the real reason as to why i love it so much is because it shows how we mature and learn how to do the fundamental motor skills we either can or still can't do to this day.

As i was walking back from im west with chris he asked what i learned in my class today and i think he got more than he was asking for. This is because i told him we learned the 2 stages to walking and the 4 stages to running, jumping, hopping, and 3 stages for skipping, galloping, and sliding. After him telling him that i proceeded to show him all 23 stages. In my class we were shown videos of each kid and what stage they were currently in.

It was awesome to see this kids attempted these skills. The kids in the video were so full of life and so happy to be running and attemping to skip but really not skipping at all and almost fall over hopping.

Mostly what i was thinking while i was watching this was how innocent and care-free these kids truly are. I remember way back when i was younger i would just be hanging out with my mom all day riding my exercise bike, commentating playing basketball (those 2 for those who have seen my kid videos) and basically doing whatever i wanted and not thinking about how sick the grass really is going to taste when i eat it out of the ground. It was so great being a kid, not worrying about if a bug is on you or what people think of you if you eat your own boogers or whatever it may be. You just live the day for the day and thats it.

Now that i am no longer a child or even a teen and going on 21 i feel that is gone. My choices almost get scutinized by others and i find myself not doing the same things like commentating basketball or eating grass (probably better). i will say i do still somewhat commentate video games haha. At the same time i really shouldn't care what other people think and that comes and goes.

for example lifting in im west with chris. We would have never done that as a kid, what kid lifts to feel good or look good. But as we grow older and our metabolisms slow down we lose the ability to run around and do whatever we want not getting tired so we have to do these things. I enjoy lifting very much however its a stress reliever and it makes me feel good and strong and will ultimately help me later in life.

That last sentence pretty much sums this blog up. All the things i do now: running, tennis, basketball, lifting, frisbee, ultimate will all help me later in life. At the root of all of these things are the fundamental motor skills. As we continue to be a part of these physical activities the longer into life these abilities will last. It's not as easy as being 7 and doing whatever you want and still being able to do things. This is a must to stay healthy now-a-days as i am 20. So i am thankful that God has blessed me with these fundamental motor skills and the abilities to do what i do at the level i can do them at.

If your interested to see what stage you do things at let me know i can test you!!

God Bless!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

growing older

So this past weekend I attended 7 open houses and the weekend before I went to 2. From attending these it made me think of how far I have come in the past 2 years. I have grown as a person and I think as a follwer of Christ and today thats what I am comparing.

In 2006 i was a senior at mason high and for the first year i played only two sports instead of the usual three. It gave me a sort of a calm feeling and a lot more free time to spend with my friends and what they were doing. In the fall, I went to a work weekend and then timberwolf which developed my relationship with Kacey. In the winter, basketball of course started and that is when Kacey and I also started dating. It was a rough year of basketball and probably the first and only time I have ever been able to say that. I was buried on the bench for being "too small" although in practices no one could really guard me. It was definitely tough dealing with that. I also took on more of a role in young life moving from a wyldlife junior leader to a young life junior leader. Which in the 1st semester of my senior year i loved. I was in a great place, I had God, athletics, friends, and a girl what more could a senior guy ask for. In the spring, however, is really when i got tested. We found out in february that indeed my dad would be headed over to iraq and we were just waiting on his departure date. We eventually found out it would be may 26th (my last day of high school). Building up to this date i was having a great year of tennis.... losing only 4 matches on my way to leagues and regionals. Leagues was so special to me because it was the last tournament my dad was able to see. Before heading into my championship match (about 9 hours into the day and 2 matches later dad there the whole time) i prayed hard for God to let me play my best for my dad one more time to make him proud. I started real slow losing the first set 6-1 and being down 2-5 in the second (okay so real slow may be an understatement) then my coach told me to play like i did my freshman year which is all lobs and blocking the ball back. i came back to win the match winning 1-6, 7-5, 6-2 and then that night cried in bed because I was able to win for my dad. Last day of school came around and i got up early and my dad made me french toast (only time he ever did that) we took a picture and then he was off and i wouldnt see him again until 2007. After he left i still had my graduation speech and an open house and college awaited. In regards to young life i was pretty much sick of it and was going because i felt i had to rather than wanting too. Over the summer on workcrew that quickly changed into me loving younglife and possibly wanting to do it for the rest of my life.

I am now a college junior (very scary to almost be in the real world). My dad is now home which i love and my relationship with him is so good which is something i have never been able to say. I have dinner once a week with my mom which is also so great. I no longer am with Kacey which has had mixed feelings since the break up but ultimately I feel content right now with where I am at. With that, a lot of stress has left and i just love life currently. There is a female interest and we will see where God takes that. As for my life in general it feels so completely different. I am now a jv basketball coach at east lansing for what will be the 2nd year this coming season. I have changed my major from accounting my freshman year to kinesiology. Which ultimately suits me so much more since i love sports and i love this coaching position. I am a young life leader at east lansing and i can't tell you how much i love doing that. Those kids there have taught me so much and brought so much joy in my life. Workcrew and being a leader has really showed me that Young Life is my passion and I hope to be doing this for a long time. My relationships with friends took hits this year with a lot of them being pretty ruined i must say. Although as i look at them now a lot of them have changed for the better. I think my overall attitude is a lot more laid-back. My relationship with God has endured a lot this year with the death of my grandma who taught me mostly everything about God and sadly the breakup with Kacey affected it also. I feel like the turn around of this year was when my friend Katie sat me down in shaw hall and really made me unleash everything. She sat and listened for probably an hour before she even said a word. Which to me was remarkable most people have to interject but not her. She listened and listened and then when i was done said what she wanted. That 3,4 or 5 hours, was i think what turned the year around. Before the talk i was a lost person trying to find things to do to keep my mind off my life. Now, i am tons of free time and i love it and it has made me back into that joyous person i once was. My relationship with God is not quite what it once was yet but i feel this wilderness trip with my guys will be the boost i need.

Overall i just feel so much more grown up although an el parent told me i look like im 15 and not 20 on sunday. I feel more wise in regards to life. I am excited as to where i am going to be in 2 more years and to be able to write this again. I pray i will know God more in that 2 years and that their will be some life changing relationships/conversations/experiences that will happen.

So heres to the next 2 years!

Friday, June 6, 2008


Today as i sit at im circle for going on hour 3 of 6 i realize how truly boring this job is. Especially when you have nothing to do. I'll give you a run-down on everything i have done this week in regards to my actually job and then everything ive done not in regards to my actually job

answered the phone twice so far today and probably no more than 12 times all week. Monday and wednesday and today i will turn off lights and lock the front door. Handed out 4 basketballs- two to the same person on separate days. Handed out the dance room key twice.

not job-
facebooked, watched tennis, watch real word hollywood, watched a shot at love (haha sad i know), watched american gladiators, watched the paper, read every article on espn every day pretty much, made 92-100 free throws on wednesday (real proud of that) texted, talked on the phone to my dad, mom, kelsey neil, my friend peter, tmo, chris, katie jason, read blogs, made a profile for and winked at someone hahaha so funny. read the newspaper, read the lansing state journal online. wrote a paper, studied for an exam, ate, wandered around.

as you can see i pretty much do nothing while i sit here for 4-6 hours and its really hard to keep myself entertained. even the lifegaurds come in and are say things like, " you're still here??" or "how bored are you?" and i just have to smile and say yup sure am and very. I think its just because i sit up here by myself and i am someone that needs to be with someone to talk to. i almost feel like i am in jail and in solitary confinement. I need to get out or i will just lose my head and start having conversations with myself or am i doing that right now on this?? thats the plus of this job during the school year working with fun people and having conversations about life. so if any of you are free mon and wed- 4-8 and tues/thursday 11-4 please come hang out with me so i won't lose my mind!!!

whelp off to find something to do since the pool is now closed and no one else will come in now.. in the words of jim helper... Lord, beer me strength