Friday, June 6, 2008


Today as i sit at im circle for going on hour 3 of 6 i realize how truly boring this job is. Especially when you have nothing to do. I'll give you a run-down on everything i have done this week in regards to my actually job and then everything ive done not in regards to my actually job

answered the phone twice so far today and probably no more than 12 times all week. Monday and wednesday and today i will turn off lights and lock the front door. Handed out 4 basketballs- two to the same person on separate days. Handed out the dance room key twice.

not job-
facebooked, watched tennis, watch real word hollywood, watched a shot at love (haha sad i know), watched american gladiators, watched the paper, read every article on espn every day pretty much, made 92-100 free throws on wednesday (real proud of that) texted, talked on the phone to my dad, mom, kelsey neil, my friend peter, tmo, chris, katie jason, read blogs, made a profile for and winked at someone hahaha so funny. read the newspaper, read the lansing state journal online. wrote a paper, studied for an exam, ate, wandered around.

as you can see i pretty much do nothing while i sit here for 4-6 hours and its really hard to keep myself entertained. even the lifegaurds come in and are say things like, " you're still here??" or "how bored are you?" and i just have to smile and say yup sure am and very. I think its just because i sit up here by myself and i am someone that needs to be with someone to talk to. i almost feel like i am in jail and in solitary confinement. I need to get out or i will just lose my head and start having conversations with myself or am i doing that right now on this?? thats the plus of this job during the school year working with fun people and having conversations about life. so if any of you are free mon and wed- 4-8 and tues/thursday 11-4 please come hang out with me so i won't lose my mind!!!

whelp off to find something to do since the pool is now closed and no one else will come in now.. in the words of jim helper... Lord, beer me strength

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